Our Blog

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5 Steps You Need to Undertake to Find the Best-Matching IT Specialists for Your Project

When you need to hire web developers or a designer to complete your IT project, it is reasonable to follow a 5-step algorithm the Itkal team is ready to share.…

Data Backup and Recovery Trends to Consider in 2024

The end of 2023 is the time for conclusions and planning for the following year. The IT sector is ever-changing and has numerous trends to take into consideration. Leave all…

When Website Redesign Is Required?

A website is a digital business card today that is used for many purposes including branding and marketing. But sometimes it is necessary to undertake solid changes to improve the…
Top Font Pairs for Web Design in 2023: 5 Interesting Tandems for Your Better Visuals
Ecommerce Tips: How to Sell Anything Online Hassle-Free?
Why Prototyping Is Important: Find Out All Its Benefits for Your Project
UX Trends in 2023: Everything You Should Consider

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