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The user experience matters when it comes to any digital product. That is why webmasters today pay attention to all possible UX and UI trends to bring satisfaction to their end users. Each developer can consider efficient approaches concerning this topic and identify the win-win ones individually for the project.
Let’s take a closer look at the hottest UX trends in 2023 to realize what tips and tricks can improve user experience and retain more and more website visitors or ones who are interested in the mobile application. All the recommendations are applicable both for applications and sites.

Top 5 UX Trends to Take into Consideration in 2023

First, pay attention to the larger font sizes that are more convenient for users. This trend has been relevant for several years. The biggest brands like Apple, Toyota, and Tesla decided to change this option to bring their UX showing to the maximum. Here, you can find other helpful tips to enhance the visual properties of your website or app, improve your design, and the way your target audience interacts with the digital product.

1 – Parallax Scrolling Lost Its Relevance

Try to avoid parallax scrolling. This feature is outdated now. Change this option with brighter visual effects and animation. All the animated approaches are still actual. That is why try to find something out of the box to impress your users to switch from parallax scrolling.

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2 – Use AI for Your Design Process

Artificial intelligence can provide developers with the freshest ideas and make the design really unique. That is why AI-based solutions are trendy today. It goes without saying that artificial intelligence cannot replace humans absolutely. But this is the great assistance for UX designers ever.

3 – Integrate the Card Component

One of the most essential options for retailers and online shops to take into account is the card components. This way the maximum information is contained in one place and builds up the set of data entries for the ongoing processes like the generation of:

  • Product previews;
  • Blog posts;
  • Images and other graphical material;
  • Instructions, guides, etc.;
  • Other tasks.

Note that all the card components should be high-grade to bring the perfect fin result and guarantee a solid background for marketing, SEO, and other purposes.

4 – Light & Dark Modes Should Take Place

Note that you should think about the comfort of users even in the context of the mode of the website or the app. Some people adore light interfaces, and another category of site visitors or application users prefer dark versions. A good idea to provide your target audience with a wide range of options.

Offer both light and dark modes together with other features and settings to select like notifications (on/off), personalization of the pages or the app interface, etc. Remember that the selection of these options improves the general UX background and lets users set the digital product together with its visual items according to their eyesight and other preferences.

5 – Flexibility & Adaptiveness Matter for UX/UI

The user experience directly depends on the flexibility and adaptiveness rates of the digital product you develop. That is why try to make an extremely accessible design for the website and app through various designs, coding, and other solutions. It is recommended to try alternative and new approaches like migration to Figma, AI-based templates instead of complicated coding, etc.

Final Word

App and web development are ever-changing nowadays. And UX/UI is among the essential directions that make these processes focused on customers’ needs, expectations, and user experience. Remember about constant analysis, regular testing sessions, and other forms of research. This way you will undertake timely improvements and will satisfy your users absolutely.

UX/UI trends are almost AI-friendly today. It means that the integration of artificial intelligence solutions is going to take in the future. But do not miss other trends like light & dark mode option availability, card component integration, migration availability, and many more listed above.

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